How to Create Sacred Space, Anywhere!

How to Create Sacred Space, Anywhere with A Mindset of Sacred Presence

Sacred Space is a Mindset

Where do you find Sacred Space?

Is it in a temple, the woods, the bathtub, at an altar...?

And, what if Sacred Space is not location dependent?

What if Sacred Space is created by the quality of your presence?

My favorite sacred spaces include my altar, the shinto shrines of Japan, the great cathedrals of Europe, the ocean, and snuggled up with my family.

Magical Tree Sacred Presence

The Natural Invitation

Animals often invite me into a state of sacred presence. They activate my curiosity and wonder. They remind me that I belong to a much greater community of mammals, amphibians, insects, birds, rocks, trees, plants…

Perhaps wildness gives me permission to put my guard down and open my heart. Nature has no "shoulds" or cultural programming on "norms." There is no past or future. There is only the what-is-ness of this moment.

And in this vulnerable space, I can open myself to sense the energy and mystery of the world. When I engage with the natural world, time as a linear experience dissolves into "the power of now.” My presence becomes a bridge between form and energy, and my now becomes sacred.


Bring it Home

How to bring this openness and sacred presence into your home and everyday life?

I explore this question in the FREE TRAINING, Fill Your Life With Magic. This training will open your mind to the potential for magic all around you.

Each of us has a different idea of How to Create Sacred Space. Honor that. The free questionnaire below will help you identify what sacred space means to you, and guide you to a definition that is bespoke to you.

I am grateful to my mindfulness teachers: Mare Chapman, The Dalai Lama, Thich Nat Hahn, Sharon Sperry, and Elizabeth Gilbert.

Want to dive even deeper into sacred presence? Check out the in-depth course, Cottage Magic.

Sacred Space Teapot Sacred Presence Vintage Teapot

Cultivating a Sacred Presence

  1. Be Present

    First and foremost, we must BE PRESENT! Be here. Be now. Put down the phone, the planning, and the memories. Take a deep breath and anchor your awareness in this place, in this moment.


    Sacred Presence is a skill that takes dedication to improve and sustain. Take time to practice being with the present moment. Forest bathing, meditation, sex, writing… these can all be acts of attending to the now.

  3. Activate wonder & curiosity

    Curiosity creates space for the world to reveal itself in new ways. And wonder illuminates the spark/spirit in all things.


Get Started with a Free Download

Creating Sacred Space Questionnaire

What do you think?

I recommend downloading the Creating Sacred Space Questionnaire. It will activate your personal understanding of Sacred Space, and it will highlight where you want to learn more. Then, join us for the workshop to nourish your own practice.

The Creating Sacred Space Questionnaire

Reflection questions and a Tarot Spread for a personal definition.


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