Improve Your Quality of Life with Moon Magic


“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.”
- Jim Rohn

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Are you reinventing yourself? Interested in reconfiguring your days? Are you reconsidering how you spend your time and energy? As we emerge from Pandemic-transformed lives, many of us are evaluating how we spend our days.

It’s tempting to fall back into old patterns of behavior. We may find ourselves pursuing visions of ‘success’ that no longer serve us. How do we craft a life that is in alignment with what is good and right for us?

The answer: We must listen to our yearnings. We must slow down and dream.

Our busy-ness and go-go-go mentality are masculine aspects of our society pushing us to succeed and create and do. This is an important energy. It is the creative energy that makes our dreams come true. But, the dreaming is the role of the feminine that exists in all of us.

Last year I heard Ke’oni Hanalei, an alchemist and Hawaiian Cultural Practitioner, speak about the relationship between the divine masculine and the divine feminine. In the podcast, Archetypal Tarot, he says, “The Feminine has the capacity to dream. Has the capacity to design an idea… But, it means nothing if we don’t create results… Our masculine does the action.

For many of us the masculine component has blindly driven us forward, disconnected from the dream. It is our sacred work these days to spend more time in the dreaming. If we are to heal ourselves and the world from the wounds of toxic masculinity, we must spend more time imagining. Ke’oni Hanalei says that it is the feminine component who is “fluent in quality of life.”

I think of the Empress card in the Tarot, her laidback posture, reveling in the juicy abundance of life. She has an intimate understanding of what quality of life means to her, and she knows she is worthy of receiving it. Worthiness is important in Hanalei’s telling of the harmony of masculine and feminine. He says, “The masculine inherits the dream from the feminine because she deems herself worthy to offer it to the masculine. And the masculine is humbled by that gesture and receives it from the feminine and then moves it, creates results.”

To improve your quality of life, you must imagine it. Stop striving for a concept of success that is not defined by your own heart. Stop, for a moment. Pause.


Improve Your Quality with the moonly intentions

1. Reflect

Respond to the prompts below and identify what quality of life means to you.

2. Ask Spirit

Light a candle, center and ground yourself, and use the Tarot spread below to divine the energetics of your quality of life.

3. Ask for What You Want

Use the New Moon Worksheet to tell the Universe the quality of life you would like to live.

4. Take Action

As the moon waxes, do the work that will bring you closer to your desire (arrange a playdate with a friend, take a walk in nature, make a piece of art…)

5. Let it Go

On the full moon give thanks for all the ways you are living the quality of life you desire, and then stop asking the Universe. Don’t be that needy, impatient child who whines “are we there, yet.” Trust that your order has been placed, and your dreams on their way. Distract yourself with fun challenges and amusing experiences. You will be tested. Remain committed to your dreams. Believe in your worthiness. 

Below are reflection prompts inspired by research done on quality of life across the planet. These questions will give space for your divine feminine to design an idea of a beautiful life.

Pay attention to what you want, notice the subtle nudges, and trust that you are worthy of desires.


Quality of Life Reflection Prompts


  1. What activities are amusing and bring you joy?

  2. When and with whom do you feel filled with compassion and love?

  3. What objects and things do you appreciate having and make your feel grateful?

  4. What kinds of experiences inspire and uplift you?


  1. What do you like to geek out on?

  2. When and where do you feel like you are living in the present moment?

  3. What are your strengths/talents? And how do you like to use them?

  4. What pace of life do you enjoy? When do you feel you are living in alignment with the just-right pace of life for you?


  1. Where do you experience a sense of belonging?

  2. Who makes you feel supported and loved?

  3. With whom do you feel valued and appreciated?


  1. What activities exercise your passions and strengths?

  2. When and where do you feel a sense of purpose in your life?

  3. What matters to you? What are you key values?

  4. How do you enjoy helping others?


  1. What do you hope to achieve?

  2. What impact do you hope to have on others?

  3. Where do you feel accomplished?

  4. What ares of life do you have (or want to have) a sense of mastery?

  5. What goals are you excited to pursue?

the energetics of your quality of life

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1. Relationships

How do you want to spend time with people?

2. physical health

What supports your physical wellbeing?

3. mental health

What supports your mental wellbeing?

4. community engagement

What type of local and/or global community support do you want to provide?

5. personal development

What kind of mental stimulation and problem solving challenges do you want space for in your life?

6. material / financial well being

What comforts and possessions bring joy and meaning or support your creative and occupational life?

7. play/fun

How do you like to play? How often would you like to enjoy or participate in recreational activities

8. creativity

Which creative pursuits do you want to make time for in your life?

9. Ideal Work Life

What kind of energy does the ideal job bring into your life?


Work with the moon

New Moon: Ask for What You Want

Use the New Moon Worksheet to tell the Universe the quality of life you would like to live.

Waxing Moon: Take Action

As the moon waxes, do the work that will bring you closer to your desire (arrange a playdate with a friend, take a walk in nature, make a piece of art…)

Full Moon: Let it Go

On the full moon give thanks for all the ways you are living the quality of life you desire, and then stop asking the Universe. Don’t be that needy, impatient child who whines “are we there, yet.” Trust that your order has been placed, and your dreams on their way. Distract yourself with fun challenges and amusing experiences. You will be tested. Remain committed to your dreams. Believe in your worthiness.


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