A New Moon Ritual to Set Intentions

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The Lunar Cycle begins in darkness, where anything is possible. Like planting seeds into the fertile Earth, we introduce our intentions on the New Moon so they can grow as the light of moon waxes. 

Moon rituals are sacred practices, rooted in the act of connecting and relationship tending. Beware of the ritual that reaffirms your state of wanting. Use this practice to align yourself with energetic shifts, to work your intuitive skills, and to reconnect with your joy, purpose, and power.

1. Brew a Magical Cup of Tea

As you choose your herbs, ask them to support you in your ritual. Thank the tea for helping you. Call upon the magical and medicinal properties of the tea you choose. Here are a few examples. A quick Google search for magical and medicinal properties of tea will reveal their powers. Here are few of my favorites:

  • Chamomile: Calm. Ease. Joy.

  • Mugwort: Psychic abilities. Divine Feminine. Protection.

  • Lemon Balm: Relaxation. Pleasure. Healing.

  • Peppermint: Abundance. Healing. Purification.

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Water holds memory, so be mindful of your thoughts and emotions as you work with the water for your tea. Ask the water to support you and your magical working. Thank the water for its help. Send the energy of your intention into the water as you pour it and heat it: confidence, joy, purpose, peace… When in doubt, simply radiate love. 

After you pour the hot water over the herbs, hold your hands over the steeping tea and program the brew with your intention. Call upon the energy of your intention, drawing the positive feelings into your heart space. Imagine the energy flowing out of your palm chakras, mixing with the water, and arranging the molecules into a beautiful crystalline structure. 

Use a teapot and cup that are meaningful and valuable to you to amplify the power of your tea drinking. I like to use my grandmother’s teacup, calling upon her love and support as I sip my tea.

Brewing a magical cup of tea is a declaration of intent. It activates the spiritual mindset and opens the heart and mind.

2. Gather Your Magical Items

As your tea brews, wander the house with a tray, and look for sacred objects to include in the ritual. Declare your intention (aloud is best). I like to say, “I’m getting ready to do a New Moon Ritual, who wants to come and play?” This wakes up and alerts the things around you. Activate the superconscious mind, and begin to sense for who wants to be a part of the ritual. This is an intuitive act, listening to the subtle nudges of your higher self. The key is to notice what is showing up: objects that catch the corner of your eye, thoughts and memories that arise, song that pops into your head, etc… These are clues to which sacred objects will support you in your magic. 

Pick up your usual ceremonial objects, like candles, incense/sacred smoke, moon water, altar cloth, flowers, deities… I also like to add objects from our nature walks: branches, wildflowers, rocks, bones, leaves…

New Moon Ritual Altar by Magical Homemaking

3. Prepare the Altar

Any horizontal place will do: a bookshelf, desk, coffee table. I often end up at the dinner table because I like to spread out. 

Put aside your tray of sacred objects, and cleanse the space. Wash it, dry it, and energetically purify the space. I like to burn dried rosemary, but you can also use salt water, a cleansing spritzer, clapping, broom sweeping. If you choose to burn white sage or palo santo, be sure it is ethically (and magically) sourced. I grow my own rosemary for magical and medicinal purposes, but when it runs out I have a backup stash of sage and palo santo.

4. Begin

Lay down your altar cloth (if you have one), and declare your intent, “On this new moon, I am here to connect with my intuitive and psychic powers.” Ask the altar to support you and thank the space and the cloth for creating a portal to the magical realms. Light the central candle. This represents your activated magical mindset. I say, “I am here. I am now,” to engage my whole self in the present moment.

5. Spiritual Assistance

Arrange the sacred objects you brought to your ritual in a pleasing way. Thank each object for being a part of your magic and supporting your work. Light candles for deities you wish you work with. Call in the Elementals and the Directions (if that’s your thing). Name any ancestors, angles, ascended masters, or guides whose powers, love, and support you wish to be a part of your ritual. Now that you have rallied your Spiritual Support Team, announce what you are doing. You might say, “Today, I am celebrating the new moon and setting intentions for a magical life. Thanks for helping me out today.” Keep it simple, and clear.

New Moon Intentions by Magical Homemaking

6. Anchor into your Dreams

Place your hand on your heart and ask, “What do I deeply desire?” Take a few deep breaths here and listen. Use the New Moon Intentions Worksheet to reflect on the following questions: How do you want to feel? Who do you want to be? And, what abundance are you calling in? This is a free-write exercise, allowing anything and everything to come up and out of you. Ignore the internal editor that criticizes your thoughts. Give yourself space to dream big and risky.

New Moon Tarot by Magical Homemaking

7. New Moon Tarot 

Before I craft my final intentions, I turn to Tarot. The New Moon Tarot spread is a simple way to get in touch with the dreams that want to be manifested through me. First, ask “What lights me up?” We often shy away from the things that come easy, favoring the challenging road over the path we are already on. Ask the Tarot to remind you of where your passion and drive come from. Second, ask “How is my purpose showing up these days?” Our purpose if ever-changing as we learn new things, meet new people, and grow. We may remain anchored to a core mission, but the flavor and tone of that purpose shifts with the seasons of our life. This card illuminates how your soul is being called at this moment in time. Finally, the third card is some direct advice from Spirit, “Where should I focus my energy?” 

8. Declare Your Intention

Review your reflections and craft 1-4 intentions. Write them as “I am” statements. Hold your Intentions Candle and greet it with gratitude. Ask the wax, wick, and flame to aid in your magic. Light the candle, and read aloud your intentions. Invoke the feeling of actually being your future self. Activate your senses, and visualize your dreams coming true. Use the Lunar Cycle Reflection page to write down what you see, hear, feel, smell, taste, and touch when you are living your most magical life.

9. Sacred Closing

Thank your Spiritual Support Team, expressing gratitude for their presence and their assistance. I like to end with, “Stay if you will, go if you must.” Thank the moon. Thank yourself for making the time to work your magic. Blow out your candles. Take a deep breath and stretch.

10. Reignite Your Dreams

As the light of the moon waxes and grows, return to your intentions often. Re-light your Intentions Candle and read your dreams aloud. Visualize yourself living your most magical life. Get excited about it. Take actions toward your dreams. 

11. Let it Go

On the full moon, let your Intentions Candle burn all the way down. Put away your intentions or burn them. On the full moon you fully release your hopes to the Universe, making space for the Universe do what is does best, “surprise and delight.” Detach yourself from any expected outcome, and trust that you will receive your desires at just the right time. 


Free New Moon Intentions Workbook

The workbook includes:

  • Intention-setting worksheet for crafting powerful intentions

  • New Moon Tarot Spread to connect you with your joy and purpose.

  • The Lunar Cycle Reflection helps you stay connected to your intentions through one lunar cycle.

  • The New Moon Ritual for Intention Setting.

New Moon Intentions Workbook

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