Six Spring Rituals for Magical Homemaking


Spring won’t let me stay in this house any longer!
I must get out and breathe the air deeply again
- Gustav Mahler


Connecting with The Magic of Spring

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Why align with Spring’s energy?

  1. Cultivating Mindfulness
    This is the art of attending to the present moment, noticing the unique energy of this moment in time and space.

  2. Tapping Into the Power of Rebirth
    Like the Earth, we are reawakening, re-birthing ourselves at this time. When we sync-up with the frequency of the season, we can learn to harmonize with it. We can create rebirth in our life and feel supported by the energy of the season.

Let us Call upon the energy of Spring

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Take a deep breath and imagine Spring.

Visualize the budding branches, the busy birds, the damp soil, and the smell of the season’s first barbecue. The sun draws everyone out of their dens, pushing out, and expanding. The sun grows stronger every day.

We call upon Spring’s correspondences

    Beginning, again! Spring is the rebirth of the cycle that ended in the dark of Winter. We celebrate the regenerative powers of the Earth and our bodies. We give thanks for the the cycle, the predictability of change and renewal.

  2. EAST
    Spring is associated with the East direction, the place of the rising sun. This is the where the day begins.

  3. AIR
    We call upon the wind and open ourselves to receive the messages from Spirit. We embrace fresh ideas, new perspectives, and seeing the world through new eyes.

    We notice the busy and active birds at this time and call in their power as messengers and teachers. We also thank the angels for their perspective and their vision.

    We connect with our individual knowledge of Spring. We recall the colors, plants, events, people, smells, and sights of our personal definition of Spring.

The Rituals

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These are six TYPES of rituals. They are not instructions, because I believe you already have ritual in your life. Our homes and lives are rich with routine, habit, and patterns just waiting to be programmed with our intent. The Magic is here.

Can you feel it?
Ritual connects you with the energetics of our world.

This is a list of MINDSETS to activate while you do your everyday rituals.

The invitation: Infuse your life with meaning through mindfulness. Weave a story out of your mess and celebrate the growth.

Tarot Allies: For each ritual, I have listed Tarot cards that will enhance the magic you are calling upon. Bring these to your rituals for spiritual support and draw on the medicine and lessons encoded in the card.

ONE: Altar Magic

Create a sacred space where you can gather and arrange objects that connect you with the energy of Spring. Here are some ideas of what to bring.

  1. Natural Elements: budding branches, daffodils, colts foot, forsythia

  2. Seeds and Eggs = symbols of new life

  3. Rabbits and hares - they make so many darn babies

  4. Colors reflect the landscape or evoke a Springy energy

Tarot Pairings:
The Star (new beginnings)
The Wheel of Fortune (honoring the changing season)

TWO: Tidying the Nest

Clean your home, your computer files, your garden, your closets… And, as you tidy your world, tell the Universe you are also tucking in the frayed edges of your psyche. This year I am tidying up our daily rhythm, adjusting our routines to better fit this season of our lives.

Tarot Pairings:
Temperance (Re-Integrating, Weaving the Meaning)
Empress: Practicing Receptivity

THREE: Programming the Seed

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In Spring we plant seeds, infusing them with our hopes and dreams of abundance. Programming the Seed is sympathetic magic, where the objects imitate the energy we are calling on. You are the seed. We are constantly programming our lives with our thoughts and emotions. But, rarely are we conscious of how we are programming it. What intention are you bringing to your own life?

This is the art of Vision Crafting. Programming the Seed is the art of choosing how you want to feel and who you want to be. I call upon the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto and his research on the impact of emotion on the structure of water. I call upon the IKEA Plant Bullying experiment where plants withered under negative words and emotions.

What we think and feel impacts the world around us.

In Spring we invited to reimagine our world just as the Earth is regenerating herself. What intention do you want to grow in your life? Do one of the following for Springtime alignment:

  1. Plan and Organize

  2. Design a garden, or a remodel, or a life-reboot

  3. Set Intentions

  4. Design a Product / course / art piece

Tarot Pairing:
Temperance (tweaking a recipe / masterpiece)
Fool (before the programming of society and Earth - the highest potential)

FOUR: Affirmations

It’s Aires season, the time of boldly stepping out into the world like the Magician or the Emperor. We can tap into that Aires energy and assert ourselves and our dreams. Speak your truth. Be boldly authentic. Declare yourself to the Universe:

  1. I am …

  2. I will …

  3. I can …

  4. I desire …

Tarot Pairings:
The Magician
The Emperor

FIVE: Paradigm Shift

The Earth is remaking herself and unseen mysteries are pushing up through the soil. It is a time of shaking things up. Look at your life through new eyes. Do one of the following to Shake Things Up:

  1. Rearrange Your Furniture or Your Schedule

  2. Take a Retreat: Leave your “normal” behind and see life from another point of view.

  3. Climb a Mountain, Gain Perspective

  4. Take a Walk or a Trip

Tarot Pairings:
The High Priestess: They Who Move Between the Worlds
Hierophant: Spiritual insight gained from moving between the worlds

SIX: Start Something New

Right?!? In Spring there is new stuff going on all around. What’s new in your life? I am learning how to paint with watercolors.

Here are a few ways of harmonizing with Spring’s all-things-new-vibe.

  1. Learn cooking techniques and recipes

  2. Start a new hobby: watercolor, soap-making, reading novels

  3. Start seeds and build a garden

  4. Jump start your exercise practice

Tarot Pairings:
The Magician: Uses what they have to make magic
Temperance: The Artist, The Alchemist

Which Spring Ritual Calls To You?

  1. Altar Magic

  2. Tidying the Nest

  3. Programming the Seed

  4. Affirmations

  5. Paradigm Shift

  6. Start Something New



Download the ostara booklet

A worksheet, mood board, and spell to align with Early Spring energy.


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