The One Thing You Need to Work Magic

a Magical Mindset


We open our eyes to the magic all around us. To keep that connection to The Magic, learn to grow a magical mindset.

What is A Magical Mindset?

It’s the ability to connect with the consciousness of all beings. The Lakota say, “Mitakuye Oyasin,” which means All My Relations. It calls to mind the interconnectedness of all beings. I like the symbol of the pentacle. The outside circle is the physical thing, while the star is the Spirit of the thing. The magical mindset is aware of the web of energy that connects us to the consciousness of all beings. With a magical mindset, we see beyond the manifested expression of the world, we listen and interact on an energetic level.


Why a Magical Mindset?

When you are sensitive to the energy around and the consciousness of beings, you can use the magical mindset to communicate with Spirit. Create an exchange with the energetic world, .

Live in harmony with the energy of the moment. Stop resisting. Stop controlling the outcome. Use the magical mindset to align with energy of the moment. Create change on an energetic level. Learn to shift the vibration and be of service to our communities and our planet.

Sensing The Magic is honestly reason enough. When I turn on this mindset, I feel connected and a sense of belonging. I feel empowered and filled with purpose. To be in a magical mindset is is to be in joy, harmony, peace, and love. It is to see beyond the daily troubles of the mundane and embrace life’s simple gifts as magical objects. It’s a good way to live.


Cultivating A Magical Mindset

The goal: regularly connect with the energy and spirit around.

The first thing on my list  - talking to the tools. I like to do this in the kitchen. I greet my knives, give thanks to the cutting board, ask permission from the ingredients, and invite the healing magic of herbs.

You can also connect with the magic around you with offerings. Create a connection with the spirit of your home, and the land you reside on. An offering can be a song, or time spent researching the history of the area. I have hung prayer flags from the trees we harvest maple syrup from, and last year we tossed a pumpkin at the base of an old oak tree. An offering brought with love, in the spirit of reciprocity, is an elegant way to bring yourself into relationship with the spirit of your dwelling. Learning to connect with The Spirit(s) of Your Home, will teach you how to tune your magical mindset to the energies in your environment. 

Of course you have to be in nature to do that. So, you need to go outside. This is the best way to engage and use your magical mindset. Go outside and talk to the trees. Say hello to the animals that cross your path. Greet the moon in the sky. 

You can also build your Magical Mindset through meditation. Mindfulness meditation activates curiosity and wonder. The Magical Mindset experiences each breath as sacred and wise. In mindful movement practices, strengthen the magical mindset by learning to trust the body.  Whether it's dance, yoga, or even a walk in the woods, we can choose to turn on the magical mindset and treat the body as a holy vessel. Remember to bear witness to the magic of your bones, and muscles, and neurons.

Just like hanging out in nature is a great way to build your magical mindset, gardening and tending indoor plants can bring you into relationship with the natural world, connecting with the spirit of the plants and often finding yourself in conversation. You are creating relationships with non-humans, and learning how to communicate with the energy. 

My favorite way to experience the magical mindset is through sacred space. I like to cast a circle, call in the directions, and declare an intention. Sacred space is set apart from regular time and place. It is clearly a different quality of being. At the very least we say to ourselves that the ego doesn’t need to plan anything, or rehash any memories. We give the body a place to be open and receptive to The Magic. The experience of those two different realms (sacred space vs. ‘regular life’) is subtle. But, the more time you spend in sacred space and tuning in with a magical mindset, the better you understand the difference. 

Did you play with dollhouses as a kid? I would rearrange the little characters until they were just right. Like they were in conversation with each other. One little adjustment, and all of a sudden it just clicked. That is how I feel about altar magic. When I move stones, incense, figurines, flowers, cloth, etc…  I arrange them until it clicks and it just “feels right.” This is the magical mindset at play, sensing when objects are in alignment. 


What Can you do with a Magical Mindset?

As your magical mindset grows, you can use it to work magic.

You can create a protective layer of light around you on public transportation.

Open yourself to messages and insight from Spirit.

You can engage the power of cycles to support healing and manifesting.

Raise energy around an intention and

visualize a vibration rippling across the network of all relations.

Learn to read the language of the World.

See between the lines

and ‘walk the threshold.

In my everyday life, the magical mindset ebbs and flows. For me, I can always find my way back to The Magic through nature and  the smells and bells of devotion. When I burn a little rosemary and drop-in with the cards, I easily find my way back to that feeling of being magical. The magical mindset is like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger and more skilful you become..

It’s nice to have support and community. If you are looking for a teacher and a community of spirit-minded people, you might be interested in the 12-Week Mentorship Program. Learn more…


In my everyday life, the magical mindset ebbs and flows. But, I can always find my way back to The Magic through nature and the smells and bells of devotion. When I burn a little rosemary and drop-in with the cards, I easily find my way back to that feeling of being magical. The magical mindset is like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger and more skillful you become..

It’s nice to have support and community. If you are looking for a teacher and a community of spirit-minded people, you might be interested in the 12-Week Mentorship Program. Learn more…


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Magic to the People

45 Minute Complimentary Mentorship Session

For seekers in need of guidance during times of change and transformation.


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