Wisdom - A Full Moon Tarot Spread



A Full Moon Tarot Spread

  1. What has waxed / GROWN since the new moon?
    Reflect on your life. Check you calendar or social media feed. What photos did you take? What has changed and happened in the last two weeks?

  2. What can you be proud of?
    What is going well? How are you healing? What challenges have your overcome? Where have you shown persistence?

  3. Celebrate this! You did it!
    This accomplishment is particularly meaningful and deserves a commemorative event.

  4. Release this with the waning moon
    You are holding onto this, perhaps too tightly. Loosen your grip. What will be, will be. Stop trying to control this.

  5. Let go of this before the new moon
    It’s time to say goodbye to this energy for good. Perhaps it is long gone, but you keeping holding onto this story. It’s time to break-up with this story. It is no longer harmonious with the current timeline.


For Your New Moon Ritual >>

Download the New Moon Workbook


Also, for your New Moon Ritual >>

DIY New Moon Ritual Kit


Learn how to work with new moon energy
Design a ceremony that is playful and powerful.
You can let Spirit design your ritual,
or you can choose your own ritual adventure.


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