September - Monthly Tarot Medicine

Pick a Card

Take a deep breath. Drop your shoulders.
Pick the card you feel the most drawn to.

Scroll down for the reveal.


Did you Pick Card #1

ACE OF AIR (Ace of Swords)

"I (The Judgement Card) interrupt this programming to remind you of your authentic code. You are more than this body of cells... you are a receptor... Right now, don’t listen for the song. Rather, notice the quality of your listening. Adjust and align yourself to be the hollow reed... allow for the flow of superconsciousness. Hear the call to awaken to your spiritual upgrade”

DECK: The Herbcrafter’s Tarot

Written by Erin Mahollitz


Did you Pick Card #2

8 of Cups

It is time to let go of that which no longer serves you - be it an idea, a job, a relationship, or even a belief. Though you may feel disappointed to say goodbye, offer gratitude for all that you did receive - despite the outcome, and move forward without guilt or regret. Take some deep cleansing breaths and feel lighter as you cut outdated ties and make space for the “new”. 

DECK: The Lightseer’s Tarot

Written by Lisa Ferry


Every month, inside the tarot mastermind…

Members choose one card to study for the month.

We choose our cards with the intention that they are medicine for members in the group, and for the collective!
Were these cards helpful? Let us know in the comments below!


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