Tarot Spreads for Growing Your Business

How Can You Be of Service?

This Tarot Spread helps you identify how your business can be of service. In my experience, designing a business around profit does not ensure success. Only when your business is aligned with the vibration of service can you step into the soulful work that resonates with your purpose. When your business is designed around helping people, you step into your true power.


Be of Service

A Tarot Spread for the soulpreneur

3 cards - Each card describes a way that your business can be of service. You can then translate these energies into goals that can drive your content creation and marketing.


Goal Setting

This Tarot Spread helps you identify where to focus your energy. I like to repeat this reading for each area of “service” established by the previous reading.


Business Goals:

A Tarot Spread for the Goal-Oriented Business Owner

1. FOUNDATION: Tend to this on the regular.

2. THRIVE: This expands your business.

3. JOY: This increases brings you joy in your work.


Who is Your Audience?

Who do you want to work with? This Tarot Spread illuminates what your dream client is like. This can help you craft language in your marketing that will be attractive to your dream clients. Identify what they are excited about, and then write to that aspect of them.


Dream Clients:

A Tarot Spread for Marketing Your Business

1. They are passionate about this.

2. They enjoy talking about this.

3. They are attracted to this energy.


What are you Offering?

What problem are you solving? How are you meeting a need in your community? The next two spreads can help you create (or update) an offering that will be wildly successful.


Creating an Offering

A Tarot Spread for Starting Something From Scratch

1. What is the core energy of this new offering?

2. What problem does it solve? How does it improve lives?

3. Who is this offering for? Who are your dream clients?

4. What does this offering need from you right now?


Updating an Offering

A Tarot Spread for Tweaking an old Offering

1. What is the current energy of the offering?

2. What are its blessings from the past?

3. How does it want to grow / change?

4. What would be helpful to do now, now?


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