Reflection - A Full Moon Tarot Spread



A Full Moon Tarot Spread

  1. What are you celebrating?
    Pay attention to your successes. What have you accomplished? How have you grown?

  2. What Shadow is being illuminated?
    What fears, anxieties, overwhelm, shame, etc.. are coming up at this time?

  3. How is your purpose calling to you right now?
    I believe the essence of our purpose stays fairly consistent, but the way in which is expressed is constantly changing.

  4. Where to focus your energy this lunar cycle?
    What mindset, behavior, and vibration will support you at this time?


For Your New Moon Ritual >>

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Also, for your New Moon Ritual >>

DIY New Moon Ritual Kit

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Learn how to work with new moon energy
Design a ritual that is playful and powerful.
Let Spirit design your ritual,
or pick and choose from dozens of modalities and techniques.


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