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10 Daily Rituals for the Cottage Witch

Settle into the magical mundane

Cottage Magic is an everyday kind of witchcraft. It’s a power that comes from your connection to home. Here are Daily Rituals for the Cottage Witch to help connect with the magic in the mundane. Doing any of the following rituals will bring you into a sacred relationship with your world.

1. Talk to your Home + Land

Take walks and touch the trees. Notice what is blooming or changing. Shamanic journey to meet the guardians of the local land. Ask them to protect your home and family. Offer them songs, cornmeal, or biodegradable art. Clean and take care of the house and land, a nonverbal way of communicating dedication and love. Greet your home and say ‘Goodbye’ when you leave. Cottage Witches treat their homes like sacred places. It is where they get their power and their rest.

2. Meditation

Create space to connect with your inner wisdom. Find quiet moments to sit and connect with Spirit(s). Ground and Center. Listen. Be hollow and curious, like an antenna that can receive messages from higher self and your spiritual support team. 

3. Work With Water

Water holds vibration. Thought and emotion can affect the structure of water, and therefore affect your health and wellness. Cottage Witches bless their water as they work with it, programming it with their intentions. Take it to the next level, and incorporate your moon water into daily rituals. Create cleansing and protecting spritzers with the moon water, and spritz your home and body with it promote peace, joy, and health in your home.

4. Cleansing

Cottage witches know the power of a broom and a good sweep. Move and shift energy through cleansing activities. Witches call this “sympathetic magic,” where the physical objects + actions, reflect what is happening on energetic level. As you sweep, you remove dense energy along with the dust. Activate your Magical Mindset while you work, and treat your chores as sacred acts. Tending to the home is like a prayer. It IS the work, weaving prayers of love, protection, and joy into the very foundation of your life. 

5. Talk to the Plants

Be in a relationship with the natural world around you. Get to know the plants that grow around your home & neighborhood. Say hi to the Goldenrod, and give thanks to the maple trees. Keep a garden, even if it is on your windowsill. Sing to your seeds. Whisper hopes and dreams into the soil. Keep houseplants and talk to them as you water them. Tell them how beautiful they are, and give them thanks.

Forage for wild herbs to use in cooking and medicine. Practice the principles of the Honorable Harvest and ask permission before picking. Leave enough behind for birds and pollinators. Invite the plants to be a part of your medicine and magic. Make something delicious from their sacrifice. 

6. Work with Herbs

I choose to believe it is our sacred duty to make art from the raw ingredients of this planet. Only humans make beautiful, delicious, and powerful works of art. The planet wants us to thrive and heal. She is our first teacher, and the herbs are her gifts. It would be rude to dismiss their magic and medicine.

Pay attention to the herbs the land is providing. What grows near you? Research these herbs and learn how they can support you and your community. Study the medicinal benefits of herbs and learn how to tend to common ailments. For example, learn how to spot Plantain and use it to calm a bee sting. Explore the magical benefits of herbs, and incorporate them into your craft. For example, try putting mugwort in a satchel under your pillow to encourage vivid dreams. 

7. Mindful Cooking & Eating

Bless the food you eat. Express gratitude to the soil, sun, and rain. We have a list of favorite poems and blessings we like to read at the dinner table. Appreciate all the people who made this food possible: the farmers, truck drivers, and grocery store clerks. As you bless the food, visualize cleansing any negative energy and then program the food with your intentions. While you cook, be mindful of your tools and invite their powers to aid in the creation of a healthy and magical meal. 

8. Tidy + Rearrange

Shift and rearrange items in your house on a regular basis. This prevents dense energy from accumulating. Move furniture and decorations to reflect the energy of the season / moon cycle / personal phase. Study the Ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui, and learn ways to arrange and decorate your home in a way that reflects your intentions. Declutter often to reduce the energetic noise in the room. This will clarify and amplify your intentions. Ensure the healthy movement of energy through your home by clearing pathways and tidying surfaces. For example, everyday I tidy the desk by our front door. Everyday it gets covered in toys, journals, seeds, books… Ughhh, it is an endless process. 

9. Study

Cottage Witches are curious. Make time each day to build your knowledge, about anything! Study herbs, or Feng Shui. Learn how to shamanic journey and communicate with the Guardians of the Land. Explore recipes or environmental justice. Follow your curiosity!

The goal is to grow your understanding of both the physical realm (your body, the plants, stones) and the energetic realm (magic, intuition, astrology, Tarot…). Keep track of what you read. I like the app StoryGraph. Form a book club! It doesn’t have to be a witchy book. These are my favorite book club reads from the last couple years: 

10. Divination

My favorite divination practices are Tarot and the I-Ching. But, daily divination doesn’t mean pulling daily Tarot cards. The whole world can be your oracle. One of my favorite practices is to ask the Universe, “What do I need to hear?”, then hit shuffle on my playlist, and listen for underlying messages in the songs. Or, ask Spirit to send you a message through the natural world. Ground and center, and then ask the Earth to, “Show me, Teach me.” Notice the wind, animals, sounds, etc… Listen for the meaning in your experiences. 

It is important to have a quiet moment in the day when you listen to the energetics of the world around you. As intuitive mystics, Cottage Witches find purpose (and power) in helping their communities navigate energetic shifts. 

Do I do all of these rituals everyday? Sometimes. Weaving sacred practices into my everyday improves my relationship with Home, Earth, and Spirit. Your Magical Mindset is like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. 

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How can we experience the sacred more often? What magical practices can bring us into relationship with Spirit? What can we do to weave magic into our everyday lives so that we can feel connected to the sacred in the mundane?

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