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Connect with the Spirit of Your Home to Create Magic and Medicine

What happens when you treat your home like a conscious being?

You want a life filled with magic, which means being in relationship with the magic of your home.

Connecting with and working with the consciousness of your dwelling can be a source of joy, purpose, and power.

Why Connect with the Spirit of Your Home?

Connecting with the Spirit of your Home is an opportunity to build your intuitive skills. Working with the energies of your abode will familiarize you with the experience of being in relationship with Spirit. When you are on good terms with the Spirit of Your Home, you can ask it to help with protection and creating a welcoming feeling. Treating your home like a conscious being engages your empathy and appreciation, bringing gratitude to your world. Finally, even in a temporary home, connecting with the Spirit of Place can foster a sense of belonging and empowerment.

Benefits of Connecting with the Spirit of Your Home

The best part of working with the essence of a home is the feeling of connection and belonging. It is also grounding to be in a relationship with the home. It’s giving sturdy, supportive, and collaborative vibes. I notice that I feel more safe and nourished by a home that I have created a relationship with. And because I choose to believe that our homes have consciousness, I think they also have preferences. I like to use a divination tool to consult the Spirit of the Home before making any big changes to the decor or structure.

How do you connect with Spirit of Your Home

My practice is inspired by Feng Shui, and the work of Marie Kondo, so I like to find the center of the home. You can do this by making a map of the home and drawing lines from the outer corners toward the center of the house. Where they converge is the center. You can also guesstimate. Marie Kondo likes to sit in a central place, greet the home, and listen for permission before starting a new organizing project. You might want to add an altar or a special picture in this part of the home as an offering.

You can also connect with the energy of your home by researching it. Learn about it! Who made the home? How has the land changed? Who were the native stewards of the land? What is the history of the local community? You can even learn about your home through shamanic journeying. Try asking your spirit guide to take you to the Guardian spirits of the land. If it feels good and right, try making a shrine for the land and bring offerings of food and gifts for the spirits of the land. 

When to connect with the Spirit of Your Home?

There are things you do everyday that can bring you into relationship with the Spirit of your Home when you turn on a magical mindset. You can clean, cook, fold laundry, do dishes, etc… 

But, there are times in your life that it might behoove you to do something more formal. When you first move into your home, take a moment to listen and ask permission before cleansing. On the anniversary of big events, like moving, marriage, or babies - make a moment to recognize and appreciate all that your home provides. It would be seasonally aligned to connect with the home during Taurus season, the sign I most associate with having a beautiful and stable home. Before you do any remodeling, use divination or do a shamanic journey to listen for the home’s preferences. When you return from vacation, light a candle and give thanks. When you leave and enter your home say hello and bye. In the Spring do a thorough cleaning, re-acquainting yourself with the forgotten nooks and crannies of your home. 

Supplies needed to connect with Spirit of Home

Witches love their brooms. Not only do they help us keep our homes clean, they are used to clear negative energy. When I sweep it’s like I am grooming a beloved pet. And though I do not whistle while I work, I do talk and sing to my home. 

Lighting a candle is a simple way to engage a magical mindset and open your heart to the vibrations of other beings. When you light a candle, it’s like turning on the “open for business” sign, letting spirit know you are ready to receive. 

You may want to give offerings to your dwelling. I like to make a Seasonal Altar in our home where we display gifts from nature and artwork that connects to the energy of the season. Pictures, decor, and meals can all be considered offerings to a home. A couple times of year I tend to our woodstove with special attention, ritually cleaning the area and offering herbs to burn.

In a Nutshell: 

  1. You want to connect with the Spirit of your Home to create a relationship that improves the quality of your life.

  2. Connecting with the energy of your home can create a sense of ease and belonging.

  3. When you listen to your home and research its story, you can sense its essence.

  4. There are certains times when it especially appropriate to reach out to the Spirit of Your Home.

  5. Keep it simple, and work with the energies of your home with everyday objects you can find around your house.

Connecting with the Spirit of Your Home can be as simple as a moment of silence, or as complicated as a ritual and shamanic journey to the guardians of the land. It was always improve your magic and medicine.

Would you like some guidance and support? Consider working with a spiritual mentor to create bespoke practices that align with your beliefs and your lifestyle. You can learn more here >> Mentorship Programs.

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