Tarot Circle: The Nines
7:00 PM19:00

Tarot Circle: The Nines

Fulfillment Energy

We explore THE NINES in the Tarot and the energy of the TRIUMPH, and ENDURANCE. We explore the themes of PUSHING-THROUGH, COMPLETION, and SELF-AWARENESS.

Tarot Circles are sacred (online) spaces filled with ritual, card-pulling, reflection time, conversation, storytelling, visualizations, and magic.

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Tarot Circle: The Fours
7:00 PM19:00

Tarot Circle: The Fours

Stabilizing Energy

We explore THE FOURS in the Tarot and the energy of the STABILITY, and STRUCTURE. We explore the themes of BALANCE, REFLECTION, and ACHIEVEMENT.

Tarot Circles are sacred (online) spaces filled with ritual, card-pulling, reflection time, conversation, storytelling, visualizations, and magic.

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Tarot Circle: The Lovers
7:00 PM19:00

Tarot Circle: The Lovers

Relationship Energy

We explore the LOVERS card and the energy of COMMITMENT and THE BELOVED. We explore the themes of OTHERNESS, MARRIAGE OF OPPOSITES, and HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS.

Tarot Circles are sacred (online) spaces filled with ritual, card-pulling, reflection time, conversation, storytelling, visualizations, and magic.

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Cottage Magic
to Nov 22

Cottage Magic

Each week we explore a different theme:

  1. Altar Magic: Create formal sacred spaces

  2. Seasonal Celebrations: Honoring the Celtic Wheel of the Year

  3. Moon Magic: Sync up with the power of moon cycles

  4. Divination: Converse with Spirit and read energetics

  5. Kitchen Magic: Tap into the power of food & water

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