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Full Moon rituals

I will do some or all of these things over the course of a few days. Full moon energy can be tapped into before, during, and after it's peak.  I don't like feeling rushed by time, so I let myself go with the flow. 

Moon Water

I have a gorgeous glass decanter my parents gave me. I fill it with filtered water and set it out under the full moon. I like to speak aloud my intention of drawing down the power and light of the moon into the water. I pray that water is infused with power of the divine feminine, yin energy so that I may utilize it in my magical practices.

Crystal Charging

I rummage through my magical tools and fetch all the little rocks and crystals I own. Simply gathering them is a great practice of reconnecting with them. I will set them out, usually around my water, and allow the moon to charge them. I may similarly speak a prayer of calling on the powers of the moon. It is lovely to simply let them marinate in the silver glow of her fullness.

Sacred Bath

I like to create a beautiful bathing experience by setting up a little altar around the tub. I will collect sacred objects, crystals, candles, incense, and even bring in Tarot and Oracle cards. I always add epsom salts and good smells like lavender oil, rose petals, or lemons. Before entering the water I like to set an intention and “charge” the water with my good thoughts. I believe in the power of water to hold an emotion/thought. And, since our bodies are primarily water, as I soak in the bath, I visualize that intention seeping into my pores and infusing my cells with that good magic.


The full moon is an especially potent time for our intuitive powers. Today I pulled cards for my Full Moon Tarot spread. I like this one because it helps me see what’s going well in my life, and I can see what I need to release as the moon wanes.


I will sit in a quiet space and reflect on how my life has changed since the new moon. Here are a few Full Moon Reflection Questions.


I turn on a favorite dance playlist and move like nobody is watching. Some people call it ecstatic dance. Basically, I let the spirit move through me and dance my little heart out.

Sex Magic

My new favorite thing is an aphrodisiac tincture I got from Twin Star Apothecary. It’s less about amping you up, and more about syncing you together onto the same energetic frequency. I like to set an intention beforehand (with or without my husband) of an energy/wish I would like to call in. Pleasure is magic!

Share the Joy

The full moon is when I like to celebrate my successes. I believe in sharing that happiness, speaking it into the world so that energy can be amplified. I like to imagine all the other people who are celebrating their lives and their manifestations and how our joy builds upon each others. The world needs more joy!!!

So, yeah - that’s what I am up to on this full moon. How about you? Leave me a comment and let me know what some of your favorite full moon practices are.

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