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DIY New Moon Ritual for Manifesting Your Heart's Desire

Create Your Own Magic

Harness the Power of the New Moon

Like us, the moon is constantly going through phases. Its light increases, then decreases, and then repeats. It is in a continual cycle of death and rebirth. We can tap into that cycle, aligning our own actions with the energy of the moon. The New Moon is a particularly potent time for beginnings. Therefore, in this article you will learn about the energy of the new moon, how to align with that energy, and how to make the most of this magical time in the moon cycle.

What is the energy of the new moon?

At the New Moon the moon is between the Earth and the Sun, and all we see is her shadow side. The nights are dark. This is the beginning of the lunar cycle. The moon waned until she was completely empty, and then the cycle began again. It is a fertile time. The light of the moon will increase, bringing the potential for growth.

How to Embody the Energy of the New Moon

To embody New Moon energy is to play with the energy of beginnings, darkness, potential, and starting over. The goal is to ground the energy of the moon into the earthly plain, through our homes, bodies, and creations. Here are a few of my favorite ways to embody New Moon energy.

  1. Act It Out:
    Plant seeds, create a vision board, get pregnant, start a habit…  Take action in alignment with the energy of new.

  2. Wear It:
    Put on dark clothes, flaunt a rainbow umbrella, get dressed up… Use your attire to call in the energy of the lunar cycle.

  3. Make Art:
    Paint, sing, build a fort out of driftwood…Honor the Spirit of the Moon

  4. Reverse Divination:
    Choose a card that aligns with the Spirit of the Moon, like the Moon Card in Tarot.Bring that card into your life: background on your phone / on your altar.

  5. Altar Magic:
    Bring symbols, colors, decor, and divination tools to a surface dedicated to honoring the moon.

aligned practices to do at the New Moon?

Any action involving starting or beginning, will get an energetic boost from the new moon. That doesn’t mean you should never do actions involving endings at the new moon. The important part is how you frame your action. For example, if you want to stop eating sugar, you don’t have to wait for the waning moon. Focus on the new identity you are creating. What kind of person doesn’t eat sugar? Perhaps your intention is to grow a healthy lifestyle. 

Here are my go-to new moon practices that I rely on to connect me with the magic of the moon.   

  1. Set Intentions: Make time to listen for your heart’s desire, and write it down. Get clear on what you want and declare it to the Multiverse.

  2. Start Anew: Pick up an old hobby. Try that failed recipe again. Check in with an old friend.

  3. Plant Seeds: Literally. Whisper your dreams in the seeds and then poke them into the dirt. Be sure to take care of them so they will grow.

  4. Shadow Work: Take advantage of the quiet and reflective energy of the new moon. What fears and narratives are you addressing?

  5. Begin Something: Start a new art practice. Pick piano lessons. Go on a first date. Start a new health regime.

Reflection Questions at the New Moon

The new moon is good for reflecting on what you want to do with this one, wild, and precious life? 

Begin with a grounding and centering exercise. Then, connect with your heart and ask it, “what do you truly desire?” Do a free write or a meditation on this question. Use the following prompts to gain further information about the life you desire:

  1. How do you want to feel?

  2. Who do you want to be?

  3. What abundance do you want to call in?

  4. What intention do you have moving forward?

Tarot Spreads for the New Moon

If you are wanting to start something new, or breathe new energy into an area of your life, the New Moon is the perfect time to work a little magic. 

Now, you can create your own New Moon Ritual with the New Moon Ritual Kit.  

DIY New Moon Ritual Kit

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Take the guess-work out of your New Moon Ritual.
Design a ceremony that is playful and powerful.

Let Spirit design your next ritual, or choose from dozens of modalities and techniques.

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