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New Moon Ritual: Banish Bad Habits & Commit to a New You

A banishment ritual on the new moon is controversial.

New moon energy is full of potential, perfect for rebirthing. That is why most people use this time to set intentions and plant energetic seeds of new life. We don’t think of it as a time of releasing.

It’s true. The waning moon is the most conducive for banishment. The receding moonlight supports the act of letting go.

But, any kind of magic can be done at any time.

If you need to banish something NOW, on a new moon, you can work some effective magic by tweaking your intention to fit the vibe of the timing.

REFRAME the banishment as rebirthing.

You get rid of a behavior, relationship, substance, or mindset in order to become a new version of yourself.

Who are you becoming? Why are you banishing?
When working with the new moon, shift your focus to the person who is free from whatever you are banishing.

First, Reflection

  • What is going well?

  • What needs to be banished?

  • Who are you when you release this dark energy?

Note: Add Tarot or Oracle cards to your journaling. Pull a card for each question,.

Banishment Ritual

Wash your home, your body, your car, or whatever… until you find the shadow-self that needs to be released.

Commit to releasing that which no longer serves you.

May you find release, peace, and love as you transform through the power of ceremony.

You will need:

  • Symbols of each of the supportive habits you wish to cultivate

  • Paper and pen

  • Candles

1. Clean Your Space

Pick a corner of your home to tidy and physically clean. Use an energetically charged cleaning product like moon-water or Florida water to purify the spirit of the place.

Use cleansing smoke, bells, clapping, or a broom to energetically shift the energy in the space, dispersing any dense or negative energy.

2. Ground and Center

Take three deep breaths. Feel down from your toes and push into the Earth with spirit-roots, and let the soil absorb stress, anger, sickness, and doubt.

Energetically reach down, and tap into that life-giving source of energy at the core of this planet. Pull that good energy up into your spine. Breath it up and out of your head. Let the excess energy rain down to the Earth. Allow yourself to be a conduit, and the energy flows and connects you to the Earth. Be grounded. Be centered.

3. Open Sacred Space with Intention

Call on the four elements for support and guidance. I turn to the North and welcome the powers of Earth. To the East I welcome the powers of Air. When facing South I call upon the powers of Fire. And, lastly I turn to the West and reach out to the powers of Water.

Invite your Spiritual Support Team: deities, Archangels, Spirit Guides, ancestors, etc…. While saying their names aloud, visualize the energy shifting into the frequency of their presence.

I welcome the dance of the God/Goddess and call upon the harmonious movement of all that is, the Cosmos.

4. Banish Nasty Habits

Write down each habit you wish to release. Name it. Say it aloud.

Burn each piece of paper as you say, “I banish (habit)”

5. Resolve to Cultivate Supportive Habits

Name each helpful habit as you place its symbol/offering on the altar. Envision yourself 6 months from now, fully committed and practicing these supportive habits.

6. Write It. Feel It. Declare it.

Write your intentions down, clearly stating what you are banishing and who you are becoming.

For example, “I banish the belief that I do not have time to exercise, and I choose to believe I am someone who makes time to strengthen and empower my body everyday.”

Light a candle. and read your intentions aloud. Visualize their manifestation. Envision what it feels like to be living in your dream.

7. Raise the Energy & Send it to the Universe

Dance, sing, or visualize a cone of power. Build up energy around the frequency of your desires and push it out to the web of interconnected beings. Invite the Universe to do what it does best, delight and surprise you. Say, “This or something better.”

8. Close Sacred Space

Thank the Cosmos, your Spiritual Support Team, and the Elements & Directions.

Take a moment to truly BE GRATEFUL. Appreciate yourself, your body, your home, your time.

Declare the end of the ceremony. Ground any excess energy by stomping the energy, zip up those chakras, close the circle.

9. Attend to the Moon

Watch the moon become bigger over the next couple weeks. Light a candle and read your intentions aloud each day. Take small actions toward your goals. Find collaborators and allies. Look for evidence of your dreams drawing closer to your vortex.

On the full moon celebrate your new beginnings. Fold up your intentions and put them in a Manifesting Box. Let go of your attachment to the outcome and let the Universe Take the reigns.

For Your New Moon Ritual >>

Download the New Moon Workbook

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Also, for your New Moon Ritual >>

DIY New Moon Ritual Kit

Design a ceremony that is playful and powerful. Learn how to work with new moon energy and create your own ritual to harness its power.

Let Spirit design your next ceremony with Ritual Roulette, and/or choose from dozens of modalities and techniques.

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